New Featured Courses

Solution-Focused Conversations in Schools: An Integration of Education and Mental Health
19 CE/Credit Clock Hours.
This course offers comprehensive solution-focused brief conversational skills tailored for educational settings across the developmental spectrum. Solution-focused brief therapy, an evidenced-based approach, equips transdisciplinary teams with solution-focused social-emotional learning techniques that can seamlessly integrate into school curricula and diverse and fast-paced educational settings. The course structure includes an online self-paced, text-based, lecture-based course with exams. It consists of twelve chapters of written materials, 10 video lectures, 34 demonstration videos, multiple case examples, individual and group practice exercises, and solution-focused games and activities.

Terapia Breve Centrada en Soluciones: Introducción a la Práctica Clínica
5 créditos de EC/HR.
Este curso ofrece una introducción a la práctica clínica de la Terapia Breve Centrada en Soluciones y está estructurado como una clase en línea a ritmo propio basada en materiales de texto y video-conferencias con examen. Incluye temas como los componentes claves de la TBCS en la práctica clínica, los principios fundamentales de la TBCS, las evidencias y los estudios de la TBCS. Las conferencias incluyen numerosos videos de demostraciones. Este curso está disponible en Inglés y Español.

Basic Self-Paced Solution-Focused Skills and Practice for Agencies
12 CE Credit/Clock Hours
This self-paced course is only available after your organization has completed the live synchronous BASIC – Skills and Practice course. It is not available as a stand-alone course, as it is customized for your organization. This self-paced course offers a sustainable, flexible, and customizable solution to provide organizations with training and continuing education even if participants cannot attend the 12 hours of live-interactive BASIC – Solution-focused Skills and Practice for Agencies course. This course is structured as an online self-paced customized video lecture with an exam, including case-based demonstrations, recorded discussions, and recommended clinical practice exercises.

Advanced Self-Paced Solution-Focused Skills and Practice for Agencies
Self Paced
12 CE Credit/Clock Hours
This self-paced course is only available after your organization has completed the live synchronous ADVANCED – Skills and Practice course. It is not available as a stand-alone course, as it is customized for your organization. This self-paced course offers a sustainable, flexible, and customizable solution to provide organizations with training and continuing education even if participants cannot attend the 12 hours of live interactive ADVANCED – Solution-focused Skills and Practice for Agencies course. This course is structured as an online self-paced customized video lecture with an exam, including case-based demonstrations, recorded discussions, and recommended clinical practice exercises.
Institute Staff
Anne Bodmer Lutz, B.S.N., M.D., Executive Director
Institute for Solution Focused Therapy, LLC
PO Box 15
Westminster MA 01473