Training The Emergency Medical System And EMTs In Solution-Focused Crisis Interventions

2024-08-12T20:45:41+00:00June 28th, 2022|

A Video Conversation Emergency Medical System, EMS professionals, handle tens of millions of calls in the United States each year and make life-altering patient decisions daily. Embedding solution-focused crisis interventions within EMS services who already work 24/7 within the medical and mental health system provides an opportunity to mitigate the mental health system Read More >

How Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Training Can Support The Mental Health Workforce

2024-08-12T20:58:10+00:00June 24th, 2022|

How can the mental health workforce be sustainably and successfully trained in an evidenced-based brief treatment approach all while meeting their own needs and the mental health needs of a client? How can this be accomplished? This article attempts to provide a framework for answering this very challenging question. Training clinicians within the mental Read More >

Celebrating With Lucy Cordts: Crescentcare Health Center’s Success with Solution-Focused Brief Therapy

2024-08-12T20:59:17+00:00December 13th, 2021|

The Institute for Solution-Focused Therapy is privileged to have provided Solution-Focused Brief Therapy training with an amazing group of clinicians within Crescentcare Health Center in New Orleans, Louisiana. In this interview with Lucy Cordts, the Director of Behavioral Health, she shares what she is most proud of within her organization and her experience with Read More >

Can One Call Make A Difference? Training Mental health professionals within the Alzheimer’s Association

2024-08-12T21:00:21+00:00July 30th, 2021|

Institute Director Emeritus Yvonne Dolan interviews David Parris, Alzheimer’s Association Care Consultants Director, about their clinician’s experience using Solution-Focused Brief Therapy to help caregivers and patients deal with the crises associated with Alzheimer's. One of the most rewarding aspects of being a Solution-Focused Brief Therapy trainer is the opportunity to interact with inspiring colleagues and Read More >

Solution-Based Therapy Finding More Prominent Role

2024-08-12T20:51:09+00:00January 31st, 2020|

As physicians shift care from a disease-centered to a patient-centered clinical method, there is a need for a compatible counseling paradigm. Solution-focused therapy is a competency-based model that minimizes emphasis on past problems and failings and instead focuses on patient strengths and resources (Trepper et al., 2006). Read the full article on Psychiatric New Update

Tips for Talking with Teens: Solution-Focused Strategies in Schools

2024-08-12T21:01:43+00:00May 6th, 2017|

bY Sylvia True Head of High School Science and Technology Department Holliston High School, Holliston, MA We asked Dr. Anne Lutz to give our science department at Holliston High School a presentation on solution focused skills in schools. The goal was for the teachers to gain a basic understanding of solution focused techniques, and Read More >

An Inspiring Conversation with Dr. Margret Chang, M.D.

2025-02-26T18:51:38+00:00February 28th, 2017|

How Solution-Focused Therapy can enhance care of the medically complex patient An Inspiring Conversation with Dr. Margret Chang, M.D. Anne Bodmer Lutz, B.S.N., M.D. I have had the immense pleasure of meeting Dr. Chang, who has combined training in both Pediatrics and Internal Medicine. She dedicates her work to the Read More >

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