About Anne Lutz

Anne Bodmer Lutz, B.S.N., M.D. is the Executive Director of The Institute for Solution-Focused Therapy. Read her full bio at https://solutionfocused.net/anne-bodmer-lutz-m-d/

Solution-Focused Reflections for a New Year 2023

2024-08-12T20:43:57+00:00February 7th, 2023|

The Institute for Solution-Focused Therapy wishes you all a peaceful and healthy new year for 2023. A special thank you to the healthcare workers, educators, and all those working tirelessly on the frontlines of this mental health pandemic, holding hope for so many people in need. We invite you to ponder the following solution-focused Read More >

La Terapia Centrada en Soluciones es un Cuidado Informado en Trauma

2024-08-12T20:44:13+00:00December 5th, 2022|

La Terapia Breve Centrada en Soluciones (TBCS) es un enfoque ideal en medio de la adversidad, el trauma y las crisis. Las intervenciones Centradas en Soluciones (CS) ayudan a las personas después de una crisis al brindarles una relación terapéutica segura y tranquilizadora. La TBCS es un enfoque respetuoso que ayuda a contrarrestar las Read More >


2024-08-12T20:44:32+00:00December 1st, 2022|

We are thrilled to share an exciting research study by Antonio Medina, Mark Beyeback, and Felipe E. Garcia on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a solution-focused intervention in child protection services. This article became available as open-source online on October 27th, 2022. I know Insoo Kim Berg and Steve de Shazer would be thrilled Read More >

¿Qué es la Terapia Centrada en Soluciones?

2024-08-12T20:44:44+00:00October 14th, 2022|

La Terapia Breve Centrada en Soluciones (TBCS), también llamada Terapia Centrada en Soluciones (TCS), fue desarrollada por Steve de Shazer (1940-2005) e Insoo Kim Berg (1934-2007) en colaboración con sus colegas del Centro Terapéutico Familiar Breve de Milwaukee a partir de finales de la década de 1970. Como sugiere el nombre, la TBCS Read More >

Disparidades de Salud Mental en la Comunidad Latina: Una Perspectiva Centrada Soluciones

2024-08-12T20:44:57+00:00October 7th, 2022|

por Valeria Chavez, Paula Ogalde-Carmona, Sabrina Rosario Santana y Anne Lutz El Instituto de Terapia Centrada en Soluciones fue creado debido a la necesidad de extender el enfoque centrado en soluciones al mayor público posible. Desde el principio, nuestra brújula ha sido encontrar el mejor camino para permitir que las personas de todo el mundo Read More >

Solution-Focused Documentation

2024-08-12T20:45:20+00:00September 16th, 2022|

Embedding solution-focused documentation templates within electronic health records could help build solution-focused fluency, sustain solution-focused practices within organizations, and improve care coordination, communication, and client outcomes.  Thank you for reading this article on solution-focused documentation, which I would venture to say is not the most exciting topic. How did you decide to take the Read More >

Training The Emergency Medical System And EMTs In Solution-Focused Crisis Interventions

2024-08-12T20:45:41+00:00June 28th, 2022|

A Video Conversation Emergency Medical System, EMS professionals, handle tens of millions of calls in the United States each year and make life-altering patient decisions daily. Embedding solution-focused crisis interventions within EMS services who already work 24/7 within the medical and mental health system provides an opportunity to mitigate the mental health system Read More >

How Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Training Can Support The Mental Health Workforce

2024-08-12T20:58:10+00:00June 24th, 2022|

How can the mental health workforce be sustainably and successfully trained in an evidenced-based brief treatment approach all while meeting their own needs and the mental health needs of a client? How can this be accomplished? This article attempts to provide a framework for answering this very challenging question. Training clinicians within the mental Read More >

Recognizing The Power Of A Woman’s Voice: A Solution-Focused Approach To Domestic Violence

2024-08-12T20:46:48+00:00April 21st, 2022|

Domestic violence is a major public health concern and has significant impacts on the health and well-being of victims and their families. Solution-Focused Brief therapy provides a therapeutic context for people who have experienced domestic violence (intimate partner violence) to recognize their agency in these harrowing situations. The application of SFT to clients experiencing Read More >

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