Artículos en Español
Training The Emergency Medical System And EMTs In Solution-Focused Crisis Interventions
A Video Conversation Emergency Medical System, EMS professionals, handle tens of millions of calls in the United States each year and make life-altering patient decisions daily. Embedding solution-focused crisis interventions within EMS services who already work 24/7 within the medical and mental health system provides an opportunity to mitigate the mental health system Read More >
How Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Training Can Support The Mental Health Workforce
How can the mental health workforce be sustainably and successfully trained in an evidenced-based brief treatment approach all while meeting their own needs and the mental health needs of a client? How can this be accomplished? This article attempts to provide a framework for answering this very challenging question. Training clinicians within the mental Read More >
Mental Health Disparities in the Latinx Community: A Solution-Focused Perspective
By Valeria Chavez, Paula Ogalde-Carmona, Sabrina Rosario Santana, and Anne Lutz The Institute for Solution-Focused Therapy was born from the need to spread the solution-focused approach to as broad a public as possible. From the very beginning, our compass has been on finding new ways to enable people around the world to have access Read More >
Recognizing The Power Of A Woman’s Voice: A Solution-Focused Approach To Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is a major public health concern and has significant impacts on the health and well-being of victims and their families. Solution-Focused Brief therapy provides a therapeutic context for people who have experienced domestic violence (intimate partner violence) to recognize their agency in these harrowing situations. The application of SFT to clients experiencing Read More >
Solution-Focused Therapy Is Trauma-Informed Care
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) is an approach ideally suited amid adversity, trauma, and crises. Solution-focused (SF) interventions support people in the aftermath of a crisis by providing a safe and reassuring therapeutic relationship. SFBT is a respectful approach that assists in counterbalancing intense emotions, collaboratively supporting people in developing meaningful coping strategies, cultivating competencies, Read More >
Celebrating With Lucy Cordts: Crescentcare Health Center’s Success with Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
The Institute for Solution-Focused Therapy is privileged to have provided Solution-Focused Brief Therapy training with an amazing group of clinicians within Crescentcare Health Center in New Orleans, Louisiana. In this interview with Lucy Cordts, the Director of Behavioral Health, she shares what she is most proud of within her organization and her experience with Read More >
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Addresses Mental Health Workforce Shortages
Behavioral health workforce shortages and increased demand for services have required mental health professionals and organizations to devise innovative service delivery and training strategies. Solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) is an evidence-based approach that can assist clinicians, and behavioral health organizations manage long waitlists increasing access to treatment for more clients. Solution-focused brief therapy can Read More >
A Solution-Focused Safety Assessment Tool (SFSA)
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy is an excellent approach to help mitigate some of the mental health systemic challenges that have only worsened since the pandemic. I have developed a Solution-Focused Safety Assessment (SFSA) tool that has helped deal with the current mental health crisis, nurturing, harnessing, and sustaining hope when experiences may, at the moment, seem Read More >
Can One Call Make A Difference? Training Mental health professionals within the Alzheimer’s Association
Institute Director Emeritus Yvonne Dolan interviews David Parris, Alzheimer’s Association Care Consultants Director, about their clinician’s experience using Solution-Focused Brief Therapy to help caregivers and patients deal with the crises associated with Alzheimer's. One of the most rewarding aspects of being a Solution-Focused Brief Therapy trainer is the opportunity to interact with inspiring colleagues and Read More >
Single Session Solution-Focused Therapy: Harnessing the Moment in Crisis Mental Health
Anne Bodmer Lutz, M.D. Mental health workforce shortages combined with increased demand for services have required mental health professionals and organizations to devise innovative service delivery strategies. In emergencies and crises, the inability to offer multiple session treatment and follow-up for mental health often makes Single Session Therapy the only option. Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, Read More >
A Solution-Focused Approach to Supporting Clients Experiencing Grief
As a long-time Solution-Focused (SF) practitioner, trainer and developer, I view grief as a natural, aspect of the human life experience. I also believe that there is more than one “right” way to grieve and that the process differs according to culture, personality, relationship and personal context. Grief at its most intense engulfs a Read More >
Solution-Focused Article List Evidence 2019 updated
Brockman, Mariah, et al. “Managing Child Behavior Problems in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: Utilizing Structural and Solution Focused Therapy With Primary Caregivers.” The American Journal of Family Therapy, vol. 44, no. 1, 2015, pp. 1–10., doi:10.1080/01926187.2015.1099414. Carr, Alan, et al. “Parents Plus Systemic, Solution-Focused Parent Training Programs: Description, Review of the Evidence Base, Read More >
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